Skin cancer removal is best carried out by a specialist Plastic Surgeon, especially when the cancer appears on exposed areas like the face or when reconstructive surgery is necessary to replace tissue removed at the affected area.


Types of cancer

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

This is the most common type of skin cancer, usually emerging on the face, head, neck or trunk. A BCC generally appears as a very slow growing red spot or lump. Superficial BCCs can be treated with a CO2 laser, but deeper lesions require surgery.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Another common form of skin cancer, these appear pink and scaly and are most often found on sun-exposed skin, such as the back of the hands. Sometimes these can be removed with a CO2 laser if diagnosed early, but frequently will require surgery.

Malignant Melanoma

The most dangerous form of skin cancer, melanomas develop from a mole or appear as a new brown, red or black coloured spot, often changing in shape and size. It is critical to diagnose and treat melanoma as early as possible.



Dr. Arianayagam will carefully inspect your skin and make a full assessment of your condition, before outlining the options available and providing a recommendation.


What type of surgery will I need?

The type of surgery recommended will depend on the size and severity of the cancer. Dr. Arianayagam will discuss the options in detail at your initial consultation.

For small cancers a simple elliptical excision is most commonly required. This procedure is relatively minor, requiring only a local anaesthetic in an outpatient clinic. This treatment will usually leave only a thin, barely visible scar.

When a cancer is large or situated in a sensitive or highly visible part of your body, the surgery becomes more complex. Sometimes it is necessary to reconstruct the resultant defect with a skin graft or a flap of tissue.

Dr. Arianayagam is highly skilled at minimizing the impact of skin cancer surgery, both cosmetically and functionally.


Will my cancer come back?

Dr. Arianayagam will work with you to help prevent a recurrence. Regular follow up visits will be scheduled, and you will receive information on how best to manage your skin care.

Ultimately preventing a recurrence is up to you. Make sure you avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, wear protective clothing and apply appropriate sunscreen protection. Examine your skin regularly and if you discover anything suspicious consult Dr. Arianayagam as soon as possible.

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To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

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