Nipple surgery is undertaken to correct problems associated with enlarged, asymmetrical, protruding or inverted nipples in both men and women.


How can it help?

By far the most common reason for nipple surgery is to correct inverted nipples. Inversion is caused by an imbalance in muscle traction. The strength of the outward muscle is weaker than the inward, causing the nipple to remain retracted.

Nipple surgery can improve self-esteem and increase your confidence socially and during intimacy. Nipple correction is quite often combined with other procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction.



The first step when you are considering nipple surgery is a consultation with Dr. Arianayagam. You should frankly discuss your goals and expectations at this consultation.

Dr. Arianayagam will ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments. He will carefully examine your breasts and take measurements. He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations.

If appropriate, he may photograph your breasts to allow for surgical planning.

Ideally, a second consultation is had a week or two later to give you the opportunity to come back with more questions and to confirm your decision.



Nipple surgery is usually performed under sedation and local anaesthesia at Coffs Harbour Day Surgery. The procedure takes about one hour and is generally performed as a day procedure. If you are combining nipple surgery with another procedure then the time, location and type of anaesthetic may be different. Make sure you discuss this with Dr Arianayagam.



You are likely to experience mild discomfort and swelling after nipple surgery. The discomfort should be easily controlled with pain medication. Allow several weeks for the swelling to completely disappear. Dissolvable stitches are used, so there is no need for removal.

You should be able to return to work and all normal daily activities within two days.

Frequently Asked Questions

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To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

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