Women choose to have genital surgery for a range of reasons. They may be unhappy with the appearance of their genitals, feel uncomfortable in certain clothing or be experiencing difficulties during sexual intercourse. Surgery involves reshaping parts of the genitals to boost confidence and improve comfort.



The first step when you are considering any sort of genital surgery is a consultation with Dr Arianayagam. You should frankly discuss your goals and expectations at this consultation.

Dr Arianayagam will ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments. He will examine your genital area carefully, before discussing the options available and his recommendations.

Ideally, a second consultation is had a week or two later to give you the opportunity to come back with more questions and to confirm your decision.



Every genital surgery is unique and Dr. Arianayagam will discuss the procedure in detail at your consultation.

Most genital surgery will be done under general anaesthesia as a day case at the Coffs Harbour Day Surgery.

There will be some swelling and discomfort and you will be treated with analgesics. Recovery is usually quick. Bruising may be present for 7-10 days, and you will be asked to avoid close fitting inner garments and intercourse for 3 weeks.

Dr Arianayagam will provide a detailed recovery regimen, which will be reviewed with you before surgery.



As with all surgical procedures, there will always be risks such as post-operative bleeding, allergic reactions, infection, deep vein thrombosis and haemotoma.

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To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

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