16 August 2022

Primary Skin Cancers

The initial step in the treatment of a skin cancer is to confirm the diagnosis.

Quite often, this is a clinical decision made after examining the affected area with magnification and good lighting.

Sometimes, a biopsy is done, where a small section of the cancer is removed and sent for study by a Pathologist.

Appropriate treatment is then planned, and this may be with the Carbon Dioxide laser for superficial cancers, or excision (removal) with a knife for deeper cancers.

Reconstruction of the treated area, to leave it looking as near-normal as possible and to preserve function, is often necessary and is usually carried out at the same time as removal of the cancer.

Residual or Recurrent Skin Cancers

The treatment of residual skin cancers, where initial treatment was inadequate and where there is persistence of cancer, and recurrent cancers, where the cancer re occurs after previous treatment, is more difficult.

In a significant percentage of patients, surgery is done in a staged fashion, where excision is done to confirm adequacy of cancer removal and followed up by reconstruction with skin grafts or flaps (skin and fat) and sometimes with additional material such as cartilage from the ear or nose.

Occasionally, a frozen section examination is done, when a Pathologist examines the tissue removed while the patient is still having the surgery.


The need for comprehensive care in skin cancer treatment

There is a lot more to Skin Cancer treatment than just the actual removal of tumour. Accurate diagnosis, adequate removal, appropriate reconstruction, and proper long-term follow-up care is needed.

Preservation of function and appearance (form) takes a while to be established, due to the way tissue heals and matures, and hence scar management and long-term follow-up  are important parts of treatment.

There may also be a need for more treatment in the form of surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

The above expert care and management, including reconstruction to maintain function and form is available at the plastic cosmetic laser surgery centre with care provided by Dr Arianayagam and his team.

About The Author - Dr Chandran Arianayagam

Dr Chandran Arianayagam is an internationally trained Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Based in Coffs Harbour since January 1995, he has trained and worked in India, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. He brings 30 years of experience and expertise to the Mid-North Coast region.

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american society aesthetic plastic surgery

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