Laser & Injection Therapies – PCLS Coffs Harbour Tue, 04 Oct 2022 02:53:11 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Laser & Injection Therapies – PCLS Coffs Harbour 32 32 Anti Wrinkle Injections Thu, 26 Mar 2020 12:58:43 +0000 The visible wrinkles that form on the face are the result of habitual and usually uncontrollable contraction of some tiny muscles in the face, creating […]

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The visible wrinkles that form on the face are the result of habitual and usually uncontrollable contraction of some tiny muscles in the face, creating lines and creases in the skin.


How can it help?

Anti-Wrinkle injections use neuromuscular blocking toxins to stop those muscles from contracting. The toxin attaches itself to the neuromuscular endplate (the connecting point of the nerve fibre to the muscle fibre). Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that normally causes muscle contractions to occur, is prevented from reaching the nerve fibre. The muscle is effectively paralysed. The treatment is particularly effective in treating deep, central frown lines and nasolabial (cheek) folds and “crow’s feet” (smile lines) at the side of the eyes. Dr. Arianayagam uses the brands Botox or Dysport for anti-wrinkle injections.



During the initial consultation Dr Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your face, mapping out the area to be treated by examining your ability to move certain facial muscles. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments. He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations. You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



The treatment is done in the Scarba Street Clinic. Based on the plan agreed at your initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will mark strategic points on your face. A large number of small injections are made to target the muscles causing your wrinkles. The injection will only take about 10 minutes.



Anti Wrinkle injections require almost no downtime. You should be able to return to work the same day as your treatment. There may be some redness and swelling in the injection area, but this usually subsides very quickly. It will take 3-7 days for all swelling to subside and the end result to become apparent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both Botox and Dysport are highly toxic drugs but are used in very small safe doses in anti-wrinkle injections. This treatment has been proven safe and effective over years, and the vast majority of patients experience no complications.

The effect of the treatment will last 6-8 months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles will begin to reappear and need to be treated again. Over time the wrinkles may appear less severe as the muscles are trained to relax.

Common side effects include temporary bruising from the injection area, headache and mild flu like symptoms, all of which should resolve within 72 hours.

An occasional problem is drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) due to the toxin running from the forehead into the upper eyelid.  While this is a nuisance, full recovery is usually seen in 2 to 3 weeks.

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To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

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Excessive Sweating Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:48:51 +0000 Hyperhidrosis is a condition where the sweat glands in the skin are hyperactive. The condition generally runs in families and is embarrassing and uncomfortable. How […]

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Hyperhidrosis is a condition where the sweat glands in the skin are hyperactive. The condition generally runs in families and is embarrassing and uncomfortable.


How can it help?

Botox or Dysport, the products we think of for anti-wrinkle treatment, are used in the treatment of for hyperhidrosis. They are injected in the area affected to reduce stimulation of the sweat glands by the nerves that stimulate them.



Fine needles are used to inject the toxin into the sweat glands. The procedure takes about 20 minutes depending on the number of areas to be treated. Pain and discomfort is minimal and transient.

Frequently Asked Questions

It takes time for the nerves to the sweat glands to be blocked, so most patients start to notice a reduction in sweating in a few days. The resultant improvements generally lasts 6-7 months.

Medical treatment may help some people, and should be tried before considering the toxic injections. Other options include surgical removal of the sweat glands and major surgery involving nerve divisions. Dr. Arianayagam will discuss all options in detail during your initial consultation.

As with all surgical procedures, there will always be risks such as post-operative bleeding, allergic reactions, and haematoma.

There are also some risks and complications that are specific to a face lift.

Facial Asymmetry

Very occasionally a face lift may result in facial asymmetry. It is important not to judge too quickly because it can take months for the results of your surgery to settle. However, if asymmetry remains a problem it is possible to address this with corrective surgery.

Altered Facial Sensation

Numbness after any surgery is common. This should be expected to last for several weeks or months following the procedure.

Skin Necrosis

Very rarely a face lift may result in skin necrosis, which is the death of the skin tissue. This happens when not enough blood and oxygen is supplied to the skin area. The risk of skin necrosis is significantly higher amongst smokers.

Facial Nerve Damage

Occasionally a face lift can result in damage to branches of the facial nerves. Usually this is temporary and will resolve itself in 6-12 months.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

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Dermal Fillers Thu, 26 Mar 2020 12:59:24 +0000 As we age our faces tend to lose volume due to collagen thinning, which can cause folds, wrinkles and flattening. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical […]

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As we age our faces tend to lose volume due to collagen thinning, which can cause folds, wrinkles and flattening. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical way to replenish lost volume and rejuvenate the face.


How can it help?

Injections of dermal fillers place synthetic collagen in the dermis, softening facial lines and grooves. This treatment is popular for enhancing cheekbones, plumping the lips and correcting wrinkles. Occasionally these are used for contour correction.

Dr. Arianayagam works with three brands of dermal filler: Restylane, Perlane and Sub Q. The latter is a ”heavy duty” subcutaneous filler which is used to improve deep contour defects in the face or body.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your face, mapping out the area to be treated. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments.

He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations and a treatment plan will be devised. Dermal fillers are often done in combination with anti-wrinkle injections.

You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



The treatment is done in the Scarba Street Clinic.

Based on the plan agreed at your initial consultation, strategic points will be marked on your face as appropriate injection sites. The injection usually takes only a few moments per site. Depending on the number of areas to be treated the whole process may be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.



Dermal Fillers require almost no downtime. You should be able to return to work the same day as your treatment. There may be some redness and swelling in the injection area, but this usually subsides very quickly.

It will take 3-7 days for all swelling to subside and the end result to become apparent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dermal fillers are not permanent. To retain the look you have achieved you will probably need one treatment every 9-12 months.

Common side effects include bruising, redness, swelling, tenderness and itching. All should resolve within 72 hours.

An occasional problem is a haematoma (bleeding) at the site of the local anaesthetic injection, which is required for dermal fillers.  This will clear within 2 weeks.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Dermal Fillers appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Facial Rejuvenation Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:00:52 +0000 Sun damage, “age spots”, fine lines and wrinkles can all make you look older than you really are. The harmful effect of UV rays, hormonal […]

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Sun damage, “age spots”, fine lines and wrinkles can all make you look older than you really are. The harmful effect of UV rays, hormonal changes, some medications and skin trauma can all leave their mark on your face.


How can it help?

IPL and CO2 Laser treatments can remove superficial pigmentation and fine lines and tighten the skin to give a youthful appearance and improve you self confidence.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your face. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments.

He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations.

You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



IPL treatments are conducted at the Scarba Street Clinic. Treatments take from 20 to 30 minutes and there is no downtime. Multiple treatments are required to get the best results.

CO2 Laser full face resurfacing is done under general anaesthesia as a day surgical procedure at the Coffs Harbour Day Surgery and you will need dressings for 5 to 10 days.



After IPL treatment you should expect your skin to be red and there may also be some swelling. Some people experience stinging or itching, which subsides after 12-72 hours.

After CO2 Laser treatment, protective dressings are applied over the treated area.  These remain for 5 to 7 days and are changed as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) uses a broad spectrum of scattered light to address sunspots, broken blood vessels and to help skin tightening. It is good for surface changes, but not as effective for deep wrinkles and scarring. With IPL you require a series of 4 to 6 treatments, but there is no downtime after treatment.

CO2 Laser is a “deep” laser, which can treat superficial and deep skin with  power and precision. The CO2 Laser is used to address deeper wrinkles, skin tightening and dyschromia (alteration of the skin colour). Only one treatment, under anaesthesia, is required, and there is downtime involved post treatment.  CO2 Laser can also be used in a “fractionated” fashion, with less power but faster healing.

Dr. Arianayagam will discuss the best choice for you at your initial consultation.

The main side effects are skin redness, mild, temporary swelling, an accentuating of brown spots and crusting. Very occasionally you may get a bruise or small superficial blister.

Dr. Arianayagam will review the more rare side effects with you at the time of your initial consultation.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Facial Rejuvenation appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Hand Rejuvenation Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:09:17 +0000 As we age we lose fat (or volume) and elasticity in our skin of our hands. Over time hands can start to look thin and […]

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As we age we lose fat (or volume) and elasticity in our skin of our hands. Over time hands can start to look thin and bony, with increasingly prominent veins and fine lines and wrinkles start to form. With exposure to harmful UV light, pigmentation may change in the hands creating the brown or black “age spots” common in adults over 40.


How can it help?

IPL and CO2 Laser treatments use light to improve skin tone, reduce age spots and correct prominent blood vessels. The light is delivered to the deeper parts of the skin (dermis), leaving the superficial surface of the skin (epidermis) undamaged.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your hands. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments.

He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations. You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



IPL treatments are conducted at the Scarba Street Clinic. Treatments take from 20 to 30 minutes and there is no downtime. Multiple treatments are required to get the best results.

CO2 Laser hand resurfacing is done under general anaesthesia as a day surgical procedure at the Coffs Harbour Day Surgery and you will need dressings for 5 to 10 days.



After IPL treatment you should expect your skin to be red and there may also be some swelling. Some people experience stinging or itching, which subsides after 12-72 hours.

After CO2 Laser treatment, protective dressings are applied over the treated area. These remain for 5 to 7 days and are changed as required.

While your hands are healing you will be asked to apply moisturiser to the treated area to keep it soft, and to avoid all sun exposure. The downtime will depend upon the depth and breadth of the treatment. Dr. Arianayagam will discuss this during your consultation and at the time of treatment.

After treatment it is critical to keep your hands well moisturised and use a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect the new skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) uses a broad spectrum of scattered light to address sunspots, broken blood vessels and to help skin tightening. It is good for surface changes, but not as effective for deep wrinkles and scarring. With IPL you require a series of 4 to 6 treatments, but there is no downtime after treatment.

CO2 Laser is a “deep” laser, which can treat superficial and deep skin with  power and precision. The CO2 Laser is used to address deeper wrinkles, skin tightening and dyschromia (alteration of the skin colour). Only one treatment, under anaesthesia, is required, and there is downtime involved post treatment.  CO2 Laser can also be used in a “fractionated” fashion, with less power but faster healing.

Dr. Arianayagam will discuss the best choice for you at your initial consultation.

The main side effects are skin redness, mild, temporary swelling, an accentuating of brown spots and crusting. Very occasionally you may get a bruise or small superficial blister.

Dr. Arianayagam will review the more rare side effects with you at the time of your initial consultation.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Hand Rejuvenation appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Migraine Management Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:51:27 +0000 Migraine headaches affect a large number of people on a regular basis, causing great distress and a high cost in terms of lost time and […]

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Migraine headaches affect a large number of people on a regular basis, causing great distress and a high cost in terms of lost time and productivity.

It was thought to be vascular in origin, with constriction of blood vessels causing the release of chemicals which caused the headaches.

Botulinum toxin (Botox and Dysport) have long been used in the treatment of muscular spasms. The beneficial effects have since been harnessed for us in facial rejuvenation, to relax and reduce the depth and intensity of facial lines.

Prof Bahaman Guyuron in Cleveland, USA started noticing that some of his patients who came in for botulinum toxin injections for facial-rejuvenation informed him they had noted a very significant reduction in the number and intensity of migraine attacks.

His curiosity aroused, Prof Guyuron looked with greater attention at this problem and realised that there was indeed a link between the use of botulinum toxin and the reduction of migraine attacks.

Scientifically controlled trials were then conducted, which confirmed the link.

This serendipitous discovery led to the use of botulinum toxin in the treatment of migraine headaches with great success. It was now clear that the actual cause of the migraine headache was the compression of nerves by surrounding muscles, which resulted in release of chemicals from the nerves which then affected the blood vessels. The botulinum toxin partially paralysed muscles through which nerves were running, resulting in reduced compression of the nerves and relief of migraines.

Prof Guyuron then took this matter one stage further by identifying the nerves that were being affected and has since designed surgical procedures for debulking of muscles surrounding the affected nerves to get long-term relief from migraines with one surgical procedure.

This surgery is now well-established and offers great relief for migraine sufferers.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Migraine Management appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Neck & Chest Rejuvenation Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:02:43 +0000 The neck and the “v” of the chest (known as the décolletage in women) sustains a very high degree of sun exposure throughout your life. […]

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The neck and the “v” of the chest (known as the décolletage in women) sustains a very high degree of sun exposure throughout your life. The skin in this area is more fragile and less resilient than the face, so this is often the area that first shows signs of aging and over exposure to the sun.


How can it help?

A condition called Poikiloderma, characterized by a thinning of the skin, increased pigmentation and dilation of the fine blood vessels, is very common amongst Australian women. The condition results from exposure to UV light and sensitisation to chemicals, such as perfume.

IPL or CO2 Laser treatments can be used to resolve both the vascular and pigmentation problems.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your neck and chest area. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments.

He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations.

You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



IPL treatments are conducted at the Scarba Street Clinic. Treatments take from 20 to 30 minutes and there is no downtime. Multiple treatments are required to get the best results.



After IPL treatment you should expect your skin to be red and there may also be some swelling. Some people experience stinging or itching, which subsides after 12-72 hours.

After CO2 Laser treatment, protective dressings are applied over the treated area. These remain for 5 to 7 days and are changed as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) uses a broad spectrum of scattered light to address sunspots, broken blood vessels and to help skin tightening. It is good for surface changes, but not as effective for deep wrinkles and scarring. With IPL you require a series of 4 to 6 treatments, but there is no downtime after treatment.

CO2 Laser is a “deep” laser, which can treat superficial and deep skin with  power and precision. The CO2 Laser is used to address deeper wrinkles, skin tightening and dyschromia (alteration of the skin colour). Only one treatment, under anaesthesia, is required, and there is some downtime involved post treatment.  CO2 Laser can also be used in a “fractionated” fashion, with less power but faster healing.

Dr. Arianayagam will discuss the best choice for you at your initial consultation.

The main side effects are skin redness, mild, temporary swelling and crusting.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Neck & Chest Rejuvenation appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Removal Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:03:21 +0000 A new injection treatment, approved by the TGA in 2017, now enables patients to permanently remove the fat cells that form a double chin, creating […]

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A new injection treatment, approved by the TGA in 2017, now enables patients to permanently remove the fat cells that form a double chin, creating a more contoured jawline.


How can it help?

Fullness under the chin, usually referred to as a double chin, is a hereditary condition that sees sub-mental fat build-up below the chin. It can detract from the balance of your facial features, creating a heavy, pre-maturely aged look.

Until recently the most effective solutions involved surgery. However, a new injection treatment now offers a non-surgical way to remove the extra layer of fat around the chin.



The first step when you are considering this procedure is a consultation with Dr. Arianayagam.

He will ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments, before carefully examining your chin, neck and face. He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations.

At the conclusion of this initial consultation, you may receive your first injection, depending on your discussions with Dr. Arianayagam.

Additional injections will be scheduled based on the recommended treatment plan.



Each treatment session involves multiple small injections over the treatment area. A local anaesthetic is used prior to injection so each treatment is painless. Sessions are usually repeated 3 times at 2-monthly intervals.

The injection uses a formula* that includes deoxycholic acid, a chemical found naturally in the body that helps to absorb fat from food. This is injected directly into the fat in the double chin area and works to permanently destroy fat cells. As these cells break down, the fatty contents will be naturally metabolised and excreted.

Once the fat cells have been destroyed they can no longer store fat, so the effects are permanent.



Immediately following your injection you should expect some swelling in the treatment area. This means your treatment is working. Ice and panadol can be used to relieve any discomfort that results.

Frequently Asked Questions

The treatment involves 2-4 injections with two months between each session. Results are gradual. Changes to your appearance will take up to 6-weeks to start to become visible.

Over time your chin area will become more contoured.

The chances of complications are extremely limited so long as a qualified and trained medical professional conducts this treatment.

Treatment by unqualified clinicians, without sufficient understanding of facial anatomy, could result in the injection formula coming into contact with the nerves, causing temporary paralysis that will last between 6 and 8 weeks.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Non-Surgical Double Chin Removal appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Tattoo Removal Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:52:11 +0000 Often a tattoo that seemed like a good idea at the time becomes unwanted or embarrassing, as you get older. Laser technology is the best […]

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Often a tattoo that seemed like a good idea at the time becomes unwanted or embarrassing, as you get older. Laser technology is the best method to fade or remove unwanted body art.


How can it help?

Lasers work to remove tattoos with selective photothermolysis. The laser is attracted to the colour of the pigment, which is then destroyed when it absorbs the heat of the laser. The pigment “explodes” and scavenger cells in the body then remove the smaller particles.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your skin, the tattoo and skin surrounding the tattoo. He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments.

He will then discuss the options available and his recommendations.

You should feel free to frankly discuss your goals and expectations and ask plenty of questions.



Laser treatment is done in the Scarba Street Clinic with the use of an anaesthetic cream to reduce stinging.

As a first step, the skin’s reaction to the laser is tested to determine the energy needed for treatment. The laser hand piece is placed against the surface of the skin and the laser activated. Smaller tattoos require fewer pulses, while larger ones require more.



There will be a fine ooze in the treated area, requiring a non-stick dressing. We often recommend Cling Wrap be applied for 5 to 7 days.

A crust is likely to form and this will fall off after a few days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Arianayagam uses the COSJET-TR Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser. This high powered laser helps in faster and better removal of tattoos in fewer sessions. The laser has a wavelength of 1064mm, which is effective for the removal of black and blue pigments. It can be “Q-Switched” to a wavelength of 532mm for removal of red, green, yellow and orange pigments.

Multiple sessions are required to remove tattoos. Expect a minimum of 6-8 sessions at 6-8 week intervals. At each session the tattoo should become progressively lighter.

A certain amount of pain and irritation in the area being treated is experienced by most patients, with many describing the feeling as similar to having a rubber band snapped on their skin.

Topical anaesthetic creams are used on the tattoo surface to reduce the sting of the treatment.

There are minimal side effects to laser tattoo removal.   However, there is some risk of the following side effects:


The tattoo removal site is at risk of infection.


There is a slight chance that the treatment will leave you with a permanent scar.

Hypopigmentation / Hyperpigmentation

It is possible for the treated skin to be lighter than the surrounding skin (hypopigmentation) or darker than the surrounding skin (hyperpigmentation). Risk is higher for darker skinned people to have hyperpigmentation. Additional treatment may be needed to reduce this effect.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Tattoo Removal appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.

Skin Cancer Laser Removal Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:51:45 +0000 Certain types of cancers can be treated very successfully with a CO2 laser. As well as removing the cancer, the laser also has the added […]

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Certain types of cancers can be treated very successfully with a CO2 laser. As well as removing the cancer, the laser also has the added advantage of making the skin look younger.


How can it help?

A Carbon Dioxide or CO2 Laser is a “fractionated” laser, which means a single wavelength of light frequency is used, providing greater precision than is possible with a surgical scalpel. Lasers are able to remove certain cancers with minimal scarring, which is obviously welcome particularly in sensitive areas like the lips, nose and face.

The CO2 Laser is also used for facial rejuvenation, to remove general sun damage, age spots and fine lines. By removing unwanted pigmentation and stimulating collagen formation, the treatment will have the welcome side effect of making your skin firmer and fresher looking.



During the initial consultation Dr. Arianayagam will carefully and thoroughly examine your skin. We recommend a total body check to ensure that no skin cancers or pre-cancerous spots or lesions remain undetected. If you prefer, Dr. Arianayagam can examine only those spots or lesions that you are particularly concerned about.

He will also ask you a variety of questions about your current health situation, medications, allergies and any past medical treatments, before discussing the options available and his recommendations.



CO2 Laser treatments are performed at the Scarba Street Clinic. Depending on the area covered the treatment can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. You will be able to go home soon after your treatment.

Usually only one treatment is required.



After treatment you should expect your skin to be red and there may also be some swelling. Some people experience stinging or itching, which subsides after 12-72 hours. After 5-7 days the treated area of skin will dry and peel.

While your skin is healing you will be asked to apply an ointment to the treated area to keep it moist, and to avoid all sun exposure. The downtime will depend upon the depth and breadth of the treatment. Dr. Arianayagam will discuss this during your consultation and at the time of treatment.

Your skin may be temporarily lighter after treatment as a new layer of skin is exposed. It is critical to keep the skin well moisturised and use a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect the new skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

The CO2 laser cannot be used on all types of cancers. However, it does have a very high cure rate for the following cancers:

  • Superficial Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCCs)
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in situ
  • Bowen’s Disease
  • Leukoplakia (sun damage to the lips)
  • Non-cancerous and pre-cancerous spots and lesions

All of these conditions tend to be limited to the upper layer of the skin, known as the epidermis, and are very responsive to laser treatment.

For more invasive BCC’s and SCC’s and for melanomas laser treatment is not appropriate.

The main side effects are skin redness, mild, temporary swelling and crusting.

royal college surgeons Edinburgh
american society plastic surgeons
american society aesthetic plastic surgery

To schedule a private consultation with Dr Arianayagam please call the office or request an appointment online

The post Skin Cancer Laser Removal appeared first on PCLS Coffs Harbour.
